Do You Know Wirehaired Dachshunds Need Plucking?  - Chang Dog
Do You Know Wirehaired Dachshunds Need Plucking?  - Chang Dog

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Do You Know Wirehaired Dachshunds Need Plucking? - Chang Dog

Why Dachshunds Are Considered The Worst Breed? - Chang Dog Reading Do You Know Wirehaired Dachshunds Need Plucking? - Chang Dog 6 minutes
Plucking your beloved pet dog might sound unbelievable. Wouldn't it hurt the little pup? Why would you pluck such a lovely family member? But, in reality, this is a unique way of grooming. Let's dive into the world of plucking Wirehaired Dachshunds.

Why Pluck Wirehaired Dachshunds?

With their distinct coat colors and the rough, wiry hair that gives them a formidable yet elegant look, adorned with adorable eyebrows and whiskers, they exude an irresistible charm and depth.

Due to their unique wiry hair, which does not fall off naturally like other dog breeds after it dies, Wirehaired Dachshunds require a process known as "hand-stripping," more aptly called "plucking."

Does Plucking Hurt?

If done correctly, hand-stripping a Wirehaired Dachshund should not cause the dog any pain. The key is to remove only the dead, loose hairs that are ready to come off, which should not cause discomfort when plucked.

Experience and Skill: The person performing the hand-stripping should be experienced and familiar with the technique to ensure only dead hair is removed, and the process is gentle.
Dog's Skin Condition: The dog's skin should be healthy, without irritation or infection. Performing hand-stripping on irritated or infected skin could cause pain and exacerbate the condition.
Frequency: Regular maintenance can prevent the coat from becoming too thick or matted, making the hand-stripping process simpler and less likely to cause discomfort to the dog.
Tool Quality: If tools are used, ensure they are specifically designed for hand-stripping and are in good condition. Poor quality or inappropriate tools could pull live hair or irritate the skin.

Would Dogs Dislike Being Plucked?

Indeed, some dogs might find the process uncomfortable or stressful, especially if they are not used to this treatment. Gradually introducing hand-stripping in a calm, positive environment, and seeking the services of an experienced professional groomer, especially those familiar with Wirehaired Dachshunds and hand-stripping, is a good choice.

Can Plucking Cause Problems?

Yes, while it is a normal grooming operation, if the process is not performed correctly or if the dog's skin condition is poor, some potential problems could arise:

1.Skin Irritation: If the dog's skin is sensitive or if the plucking is too aggressive, it could lead to skin irritation or even minor abrasions. It's important to use a gentle technique and stop at any signs of skin discomfort.
2.Infection: Any existing minor skin irritations or wounds could become infected as a result of the plucking process, especially if the dog's environment is not clean or if the tools used are not sterilized.
3.Discomfort and Stress: Dogs not accustomed to the hand-stripping process might find it uncomfortable or stressful, potentially leading to anxiety or behavioral issues during grooming sessions. Gradual introduction and positive reinforcement can help mitigate this.
4.Follicle Damage: Incorrect technique could damage hair follicles, potentially leading to improper hair growth or, in severe cases, permanent damage. This is why the person performing the hand-stripping needs to be experienced and gentle.
5.Allergic Reactions: Both the groomer and the dog could experience allergic reactions. For humans, this could be an allergic reaction to the dog's hair. For dogs, the introduction of grooming products without prior patch testing could lead to skin reactions.
6.Coat Damage: Incorrect or excessive plucking could also damage the coat, altering its texture and appearance. This is particularly crucial for show dogs, as the condition of the coat is paramount.

Post-Plucking Care is Important

1.Skin Inspection: After plucking, inspect the dog's skin for any signs of irritation, redness, or cuts. If any issues are found, use a mild, dog-friendly antiseptic, or consult a veterinarian for appropriate treatment.
2.Bathing: It's generally recommended to bathe the dog after plucking to remove any loose hairs and clean the skin. Use a mild, dog-specific shampoo to avoid irritating the skin. Ensure the water is lukewarm and thoroughly rinse off all soap residues to prevent irritation.
3.Moisturizing: After bathing, applying a dog-specific moisturizer can help soothe and protect the skin, especially if it shows signs of dryness or irritation. Choose a product safe for dogs, as they tend to lick their skin, which could lead to ingestion of the product.
4.Comfort and Warmth: Plucking can leave a dog's skin more exposed than usual, making them more sensitive to cold temperatures. Especially in colder climates or seasons, keep your Wirehaired Dachshund warm and comfortable. It's important to choose clothing that is soft and healthy, made of high-quality fabric, to ensure the dog's health and the owner's peace of mind, like the soft-touch Chang base shirt, which is a great choice.
5.Regular Checks and Maintenance: Regularly check the dog's skin and coat for any signs of problems. In the days following plucking, be extra vigilant for any signs of discomfort, irritation, or infection.
6.Diet and Supplements: Providing a diet rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids can help promote healthy skin and coat. If recommended by a veterinarian, consider adding supplements or foods known to support skin health.
7.Rest and Recovery: Plucking can be a taxing process for a dog, both physically and mentally. In the initial days after the procedure, allow your Wirehaired Dachshund plenty of rest and quiet time to recover.
8.Gradually Reintroduce Activities: Gradually reintroduce your dog to its regular activities and outdoor time. Especially when going outside, pay attention to its comfort levels, ensuring its skin is not exposed to harsh conditions. Dressing the dog in a soft and dirt-resistant work shirt is a very effective protection for Wirehaired Dachshunds.
Wirehaired Dachshunds are charming dogs that, with the correct grooming care, can maintain their distinctive and rugged good looks. Their grooming needs are a bit more specialized compared to other breeds, so it's important for owners to be prepared for the responsibility. Facing this responsibility, you don't need to be overly nervous; trust that you can provide a secure, happy grooming process for your dog, whether you do it yourself or have a professional groomer do it. Did this article answer your doubts? If you have more questions about Wirehaired Dachshunds, feel free to leave a comment, and we would be happy to interpret for you.

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