hanging out with you


Brand Concept

DACHSHUND CLOTHES : Specifically designed for Dachshunds

Dachshunds possess a very unique body structure characterized by a prominent breastbone, lengthy and agile body, and short yet robust legs.  Compared to other dog breeds, dachshund owners often struggle to find clothes that fit their pets' special body structure. Therefore, we are committed to serving this outstanding and distinctive breed with our range of dachshund clothes and more.We prioritize using Handmade techniques and Premium Fabrics for every dachshund clothes.

long haired dachshund&short haired dachshund&wire haired dachshund&miniature dachshund




Even Mr. Cheetah, the coldest man in the jungle, can't refuse the gorgeous silver dance costume made for him by the moonlight


Do You Know Wirehaired Dachshunds Need Plucking?  - Chang Dog
Dachshund Encyclopedia

Do You Know Wirehaired Dachshunds Need Plucking? - Chang Dog

Plucking your beloved pet dog might sound unbelievable. Wouldn't it hurt the little pup? Why would you pluck such a lovely family member? But, in reality, this is a unique way of grooming. Let's di...
Why Dachshunds Are Considered The Worst Breed? - Chang Dog
dachshund clothes

Why Dachshunds Are Considered The Worst Breed? - Chang Dog

Are you here pondering the downsides of owning a Dachshund?  Whether long haired, wire haired or miniature dachshund, as well as their beauty, intelligence, and vivacity. But what challenges might...
The History of the English Cream Dachshund - Chang Dog
Dachshund Encyclopedia

The History of the English Cream Dachshund - Chang Dog

The origin and history of this breed are as captivating as their appearance, intertwined with noble legends and a rich lineage. Unlike the traditional darker tones seen in Dachshunds, the English ...

FAQs About Shopping

Order & Shipping

Orders are shipped within 48 hours. This quick turnaround ensures that your order is on its way to you almost as soon as you've clicked 'purchase'.

We prioritize sending your order via large aircraft directly to your doorstep, ensuring that your little one can don their beautiful new clothes without undue delay. It's like giving your order a first-class ticket to its destination!

Yes, we offer global shipping. Typically, it takes 7-12 days for shipments to reach their international destinations. No matter where you are in the world, you can enjoy our products.

Absolutely, we are currently running a promotional campaign where shipping is free on orders over 60 euros. This offer is our way of saying thank you and making it easier for our global customers to enjoy our products without extra costs.

Questions about puppies

For Dachshund puppies, selecting clothing that fits their unique body shape is particularly important. Based on our Chang brand's product line, I recommend the following S size garments suitable for Dachshund puppies:

Base Layer Shirt: Choose a comfortable organic cotton base layer shirt. This material is not only environmentally friendly but also very gentle on the sensitive skin of puppies. The design of the base layer shirt is simple and easy to put on and take off, making it perfect for lively puppies to wear daily. It is breathable and comfortable.
View detailed recommendations

You can contact us through our contact page! We will be happy to assist you.